
What Kind of Test Might You Face at Interview?

Research from Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK shows that 70% of multinationals and an increasing number of SMEs use psychometric tests during the recruitment process. This means that as a job applicant, it is very likely that you may face a psychometric test during the recruitment process for your next job. This should not concern you greatly, because this may simply be what it takes to get the best job; therefore, your focus should be on properly preparing yourself for these tests so you can maximise your chance of success. It is important to prepare because research shows that practicing tests under simulated test conditions will mean that you perform better during the ‘real thing’. But, what tests should you practice for? While most employers will tell you that there will be a psychometric, many of them will not tell you what the test will be. So, in this article, we thought we would supply you with a little insight into the kind of tests you might face at interview.

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